Event Date


June 14, 2025

Donate Here



Our Mission


The Festival of Hope is a grass roots fundraising event organized by volunteers committed to assist area cancer patients during the treatment process


 Butterflies & Wall of Hope 


Announcing change in venue from Mitchell Event Center to Grace Chapel in Scottsbuff in 2025

Butterfly Release will take place (weather permitting) after the Live Auction and reading of the names, which will start about 11:00 a.m.



According to an American Indian Legend, if anyone desires a wish to come true, they must first capture a butterfly and whisper that wish to it.  Since a butterfly can make no sound, the butterfly cannot reveal the wish to anyone but the Great Spirit who hears and sees all.  In gratitude for giving the beautiful butterfly its freedom, the Great Spirit always grants the wish.  So, according to the legend, by making a wish and then giving the butterfly its freedom, the wish will be taken to the heavens.


Recognize a loved one!


Recognize a cancer survivor or a loved one lost to cancer with a donation to the Wall of Hope. 

A $10.00 ($11.00 online) donation provides one square foot of space with a cutout butterfly with their name printed on it.   

During the morning event in June, all those honored with a butterfly will be read just prior to a live butterfly release will follow.


We invite you to...

...bring in your own photos, poems and other memorabilia for the Wall of Hope (at Grace Chapel) on  June 14, 2025,  to decorate the square of your survivor/loved one.   

(If desired, you may take decorations at the end of Festival of Hope)


 The purchase of "Wall of Hope" Butterflies will be available the day of our event!


 Puchase a "Wall of Hope" Butterfly ONLINE (Now Closed, to open in April) 

Multiple donations may be individually added to your cart.



 To make a purchase by MAIL, form must be received by 6/10/2025

Please click here for the printable version of the butterfly donation form and mailing information.



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